Saturday, October 8, 2016

Oct. 8, 2016 - Addiction and Recovery: Step by Step

The Serenity Prayer
Step by Step
Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016

"In AA, we can begin again no matter how late it may be. I have begun again. At 54, I have had come true for me the old wish, 'If only I could live my life over, knowing what I know.' That's what I am doing, living again, knowing what I know. I hope I have been able to impart least a bit of what I know; the joy of living, the irresistible power of divine love and its healing strength, and the fact that we, as sentient beings, have the knowledge to choose between good and evil, and, choosing good, are made happy." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Lost Nearly All," Ch 11 ("He Who Loses His Life"), p 543.

Today, it's not too late until it's too late - and it's too late only when I've died. Until then, I have the lifeline and the choice of sobriety, and all I need do is grab and hold onto the lifeline, the lifeline being AA. Even if I cannot yet envision the program's promises of sobriety if I adhere to the Twelve Steps, I know already and all too well the life I have if I don't begin anew. In the end, the decision is a matter of choice - to continue in the life of active drinking that I already know with agonizing pain, or to choose something better. Today, I choose something better: it's not too late because I'm here! And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M., 2016

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