Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 9, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

The now never asks what's coming next.

-- Larry Stillday

We need to spend some time every day in the now. Just being. Just being enough. Relaxing. Enjoying the people around us or enjoying a moment alone. Listening to our heartbeat. Feeling the air enter and leave our bodies as we breathe calmly and deeply. Trusting that, for this moment, all is as it should be. Life is taking care of us. We are in our Higher Power's care.

In this moment, we let go of the past and we let go of the future. We focus on now. Now we don't think. We simply listen. To our heartbeat. To our breathing. To the sounds of life around us. To the quiet voice of our Higher Power.

Prayer for the Day

Higher Power, in my old life I used alcohol or drugs to forget the past and the future. I wanted to be in the now, but I embraced death instead of life in my search. Hold me as I enter the now sober, alive, and listening. Please use these moments to restore my spirit.

Today's Action

Today, I will practice being in the now. I will freeze-frame two times today. Once, alone as I practice a moment of meditation, and once as I simply stop thinking and truly look around me at life's energy.

Hazelden Foundation

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