Monday, June 24, 2024

June 24, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time


A Day at a Time
Monday, June 24, 2024

Reflection for the Day
The primary purpose of The Program is freedom from addiction; without that freedom, we have nothing. But that doesn’t mean I can say, for example, “Sobriety is my only concern. Except for my drinking, I’m really a super person, so give me sobriety, and I’ve got it made.” If I delude myself with such specious nonsense, I’ll make so little progress with my real life problems and responsibilities that I’ll likely return to my addiction. That’s why The Program’s Twelfth Step urges us to “practice these principles in all our affairs.”

Am I living just to be free of chemical dependence, or also to learn, to serve and to love?

Today I Pray
May I relish and be grateful for my sobriety, which is where all good things begin. But let me not stop at that and give up trying to understand myself, the nature of God and of humanity. Freedom from dependency is the first freedom. May I be certain that there are more to come – freedom from tight-mindedness, from the unrest of bottled-up feelings, from over-dependence on others, from a Godless existence. May The Program which answered my acute needs also answer my chronic ones.

Today I Will Remember
Sobriety is just a beginning.

Hazelden Foundation

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