Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 4, 2024 - Readings i Recovery: Today's Gift ;from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

The Next Right Thing

You survived insufferable torment in your service. Find grace in knowing that you were placed in extraordinary circumstances that asked of you unimaginable deeds. Find peace in your certainty that you did all that was asked of you and more. You showed uncommon bravery and fortitude.

Today, of course, you question some of the decisions you made. Rest easy in the knowledge that you always did the right thing in the moment. It wasn't fair and it wasn't pretty. But you and your men came home. You led them through a hell no one should ever have to experience. Even in the final moments of some of your brothers, you saw that they went out with peace in their eyes even as the world burned around them. Your presence gave them the comfort and courage to proceed into that hereafter without fear in their gazes.

Addiction brought with it its own kind of hell. Now we look to those on either side of us, and we lead them through it. We show it can be done. We do the next right thing as we work our program. We give back to others. We give our presence and service to them so they can find peace too. So they can find their way through the fire.

Today I will look for the grace in my past, my present, and my future.

Hazelden Foundation

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