Thursday, July 14, 2022

July 14, 2022 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Thursday, July 14, 2022

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

The soul is awakened through service. — Erica Jong

Service is one of the cornerstones of recovery. It helps us step outside of our egos and ourselves. The divine in our souls naturally seeks out good and wants to do good deeds. Service is not a duty but a privilege. Service is taking gifts given to us and using them to improve the world and lives of others. It is energy directed toward good. We are designed to be givers and not just takers. When we help another, we can feel our soul smile.

Our illness stole our sense of value, our self-worth. Service helps us to reconnect and see our value and worth. Many say that it was through service work that they first experienced a spiritual awakening. This was their soul smiling, being happy and saying, “Thank you for letting me be involved in life again. Thank you for letting me dance with the souls of others again.”

Prayer for the Day

Higher Power, show me a need and give me the power and desire to step out of self and into service. Help me act from my values and not my shame.

Today’s Action

Today I will volunteer to do some service work. I will walk through my day looking for suffering that I can help lessen.

Hazelden Foundation

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