Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dec. 8, 2012 - A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Saturday, Dec. 8, 2012

Reflection for the Day
We often see people in The Program - devoutly and with seeming sincerity - ask for God's guidance on matters ranging from major crises to such insignificant things as what to serve at a dinner party. Though they may be well-intentioned, such people tend to force their wills into all sorts of situations - with the comfortable assurance that they're following God's specific directions. In reality, this sort of prayer is nothing more than a self-serving demand of God for "replies;" it has little to do with The Program's suggested Eleventh Step.

Do I strive regularly to study each of the Steps, and to practice them in all my affairs?

Today I Pray

May I not make the common mistake of listing my own solutions for God and then asking for a stamp of Divine approval. May I catch myself if I am not really opening my mind to God's guidance, but merely laying out my own answers with a "what do You think of these?' attitude.

Today I Will Remember
Am I looking for God's rubber stamp?

Hazelden Foundation

1 comment:

  1. A sign of maturation is movement from self seeking to self sacrifice. This is true in prayer also.Being self-centered is a major characteristic of this disease. We have to guard that our self preoccupation isn't reflected in our prayer. Thus we need constantly to keep in our hearts this desire as given by Jesus Himself. "Your will be done. "As I am unable to manage my life or even choose wisely, I pray: God ,not as I desire but as You desire for me. Let that be done in me. I am but your servant, created for your glory. Let my WHOLE LIFE be a symphony of praise to your glory: Its three movements are my past, my present , my future.
