Friday, August 23, 2024

Aug. 23, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Friday, Aug. 23, 2024

Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

I have never for one instant seen clearly within myself. How then would you have me judge the deeds of others?

-- Maurice Maeterlinck

We have been given the job of getting to know ourselves and reclaiming our own sanity. We aren't so good at it that we have spare time and energy left to make judgments about those around us. We are tempted to become absorbed in their behavior and choices, and it does feel like a welcome distraction from anxieties about ourselves. So we must learn to detach from the family members and friends that we are tempted to fix, or monitor, or judge.

Although we are very close, we are on separate paths in life. We were not born together, and we will not die together. We will make our family or our friendships and the world a little bit better by staying centered on our own sanity.

I pray for a clear separation between what is on my path in this program and what is on someone else's path. Then we can make good bridges between us.

Hazelden Foundation

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