Saturday, August 17, 2024

Aug. 17, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024

Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

"Came to believe:" The three most beautiful words in our language.

-- Anonymous

"Came to believe" has become a magical phrase for many of us. It is indeed beautiful. What did we come to believe? That a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. And it has happened in so many lives that it is a tenet of our program. The lost have come home; we've been restored.

As we enjoy the fruits of recovery, though, we sometimes fail to realize that insanity isn't far away; it's just around the corner. And when we experience that insanity, it isn't that God has moved, but that our faith has wandered and shaken hands with the craziness of self-sufficiency.

Coming to believe isn't usually a sudden happening, but a gradual change. And with daily renewal, it makes our life work.

"Came to believe:" those three beautiful words remind me today that I didn't get here alone.

Hazelden Foundation

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