Sunday, February 15, 2015

Feb. 15, 2015 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time

The Serenity Prayer 
A Day at a Time
Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015
Reflection for the Day
When I become angry, can I admit to it and state it as a fact without allowing it to build up and burst out in inappropriate ways? Pent-up anger, I've finally begun to learn, quickly shatters the peace of mind that's so critical to my ongoing recovery. When I become enraged and lose control, I unwittingly hand over control to the person, place or thing with which I am enraged.

When I'm angry, will I try to remember that I am endangering myself? Will I "count to 10" by calling a friend in The Program and say the Serenity Prayer aloud?

Today I Pray
May I recognize angry feelings and let them out a little at a time, stating my anger as a fact instead of allowing it to fester into rage and explode uncontrollably.

Today I Will Remember
Anger is. Rage need not be.

Hazelden Foundation

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