Friday, September 13, 2024

Sept. 13, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Friday, Sept. 13, 2024

Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

Crystal Ball

I make suggestions to my sponsees on a regular basis. If somebody's struggling, I ask them if they've made it to a meeting yet. If they haven't, I recommend they find a meeting. There's no excuse not to get to a meeting. As I understand it, there are Zoom meetings twenty-four hours a day. There’s no excuse. I mean, we can make excuses, but that don't make them so.

Whenever sponsees start viewing the future negatively, I ask them to give me back their crystal ball, because it's obviously broken. Then I give them a new one that tells them good things. If your ball is just showing you negative stuff, you've got to give it back, because life gets beautiful.

I find that when my crystal ball gets a little out of alignment, it's because I may have said or done something I feel guilty about. I try to figure out what I've said and done and correct it. I also try to take it easy on myself. You can't kick me any harder than I can kick me.

As I travel the road of recovery, I will take the necessary steps to ensure I am walking a path of positivity.

-- Stephanie C., U.S. Navy, 1978–1983

Hazelden Foundation

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