Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Sept. 10, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024

Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground and later win a little more.

-- Louis L'Amour

How much fuller each day feels when we can be patient and accept the inches we have progressed. Still, we are aware of large problems that require miles of progress. We may want others in our lives to change quickly, we may be impatient with a work situation, or we may feel angry about an addiction.

Perhaps the spiritual message for us is that we need to surrender to time. We are on the road moving in the direction of recovery. The forces of progress are at work. Our growth now may come in learning patience and trusting this process. Looking back, we might see a mile of progress. It was made an inch at a time.

Today, I will accept my progress. There are many rewards already.

Hazelden Foundation

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