Friday, April 7, 2023

April 7, 2023 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Friday, April 7, 2023

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

We need to listen to one another.

— Chaim Potok

Listening is an important skill to cultivate. We need to sit in our healing circles, and lovingly listen and learn from each other. We are each other’s teachers. Our sponsors listen to our troubles, and we listen to their suggestions. We pray to our Higher Power and then meditate, a form of listening, from which we develop conscious contact with our Higher Power.

Listening is one of the gifts we give to each other. Listening is also one of the gifts we give to ourselves. As we listen to others and learn from them, we stop thinking we are the center of the universe. Listening to others — to truly hear what they say, to learn from them — helps keep our egos in check. We should frequently ask ourselves, “Am I practicing the skills of active listening?”

Prayer for the Day

Higher Power, today I pray that I may open myself to hearing your voice in the words of others. Allow me to see the people around me as teachers. Help me stay open to being taught.

Today’s Action

Today I will listen. I will notice those times when I stop listening and start judging. I will bring myself back into listening mode. Today I will be a learner.

Hazelden Foundation

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