Tuesday, April 4, 2023

April 4, 2023 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

However briefly, I had known what it was to have my desire returned, and it spoiled me for mere friendship. I wanted more …But he had made up his mind. He was never unkind about it, but he made it clear that the experiment would not be repeated.

— Michael Nava

Others close to us may define themselves in terms different from those we’ve embraced, or our own desires and timetables may not be in sync with theirs. It’s not unusual for someone whose love we crave to be unable to respond to us in kind, or for someone we hoped would join us on our sober path to be unwilling to face an addiction. How are we to deal with such disappointments?

We must allow others the same freedom of choice, the same time for growth and transformation, that we ourselves require. Denying what we’ve heard someone tell us about herself or himself or blaming or attacking someone whose will conflicts with ours only perpetuates pain. Rather than cultivate disappointment, we can let go of unrealistic expectations. When we’ve acknowledged and accepted our sense of disappointment and loss, we can move forward. We can become open to the abundance and variety of new experiences about to enter our lives.

Today, I survive disappointment and stay open to new experiences.

Hazelden Foundation

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