Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2022
Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:
Each day we get the gift of hope
Those of us sharing this program are so fortunate. First, we have a set of suggestions for living with whatever comes our way. This means that no experience will be too much to handle and no person can intimidate us unless we let it happen. Second, we can look to our Higher Power for strength and comfort. We’ll find both. Third, the Twelve Step principles will be internalized in time if we give them steady attention.
But to keep growing, we need to continue our commitment to meetings and newcomers. From them, we’ll get concrete reminders of how we have changed. Our willingness to help newcomers begin their journey of growth will benefit us tenfold. Seeing hope in the eyes of others will remind us of our own blessings.
Today I will offer to someone else a lesson I have learned from experience.
Hazelden Foundation