Sunday, May 31, 2020
Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:
Believing that we deserve better is the first step
Some people say there is magic in believing. Our expectations are powerful; they are self-fulfilling, in fact. And if our expectations are generally negative, we’ll find the circumstances of our lives pretty dismal too.
The good news is that when we expect better experiences, we’ll also find them. How does this work? Surely it requires more than just believing. But it really doesn’t. When we look for the good in every situation, we quite selectively see it. Making the choice to live this way means we’ll regularly see opportunities for opening doors to better lives.
The formula is simple: Our Higher Power’s plan for our lives is always for our benefit. Some part of that plan may be difficult to bear at first, but when we remember to believe that it is a positive opportunity, we’ll feel its potential for changing our lives.
I will monitor what I believe about every experience I have today. Looking for opportunities will help me see them.
Hazelden Foundation